Tuesday, November 5, 2013

USAna........the Next Generation in Health?

Supplements.........everyone is talking about what he/she can take to "supplement" a good diet and exercise in order to support a healthy lifestyle...........not after today!

Research has now introduced NUTRITIONALS.  Nutritionals and optimizers are possibly the future's pathway to robust health.  After speaking with Michaela Foulkes, representative for USANA Health Science, and then also recently experiencing the benefits of USANA for myself, I am convinced that supplements are so yesterday!  I always say, "to get where you are going, do you want to put gas in your car, or do you want to push it?"  If supplements are the gas for your car, then nutritionals and optimizers are not only the gas for your car, but they seem to ALSO run your engine, clean!

Traditionally, supplements (which include vitamins) were designed for two purposes:  to replace something in which our bodies have become deficient, or to do exactly what the name implies:  supplement (not replace) our diets, to improve/encourage better health and more energy.  

Michaela explained in detail to me how USANA has taken all that science (USANA conducts research in a strictly controlled, clinical environment on all its products) and nutrition have to offer, and elevated it several levels beyond many nutraceuticals.  

USANA began in 1992, founded by Dr. Myron Wentz, a biomedical scientist, with his distinguished vision:  a world free of pain, suffering, and disease.  I know, I know, all doctors approach their field with this same mission of passion.  However, Dr Wentz has found a way to demonstrate this not only in vitro (what is supposed to happen), but also in vivo (what we can SEE happen).    In 2007, Dr Wentz received the Albert Einstein Award for his achievement in Life Sciences, "which salutes leaders whose vision and commitment have contributed to the critical advancement of vital life-saving and life-enhancing technology to benefit mankind."  He received the award in recognition for his "many scientific and charitable endeavors."  Might I add, that all others that received such an award, did so, because of their work in pharmaceutical advancements.  Michaela presented to me, Dr Wentz's credentials and his published studies, but let's just cut it short here to say that I don't have enough space in this article to cite them all.  Feel free to visit Michaela's website at:   http://www.michaela.usana.com/ and also:  http://www.usana.com/media/File/mediaCenter/US/Press%20Releases/US-EN%20DRWentzEinsteinAward.pdf  for that.  

What makes USANA so different?  Without getting too technically detailed, let's start at the beginning (thank you, Michaela for so much of your time).  Dr Wentz discovered a formula to not only make healthy cells of each of our specific organs survive, but thrive, in live cultures.  As we would say in the fashion world, he "brought the heat," and then he employed his method to the human body, and guess what.........it worked!  It worked so well, that athletes are now endorsing USANA. 

USANA also stands by its ingredients, in carrying a potency guarantee.  USANA ensures that what is stated on the label, is actually contained in the product.  Usana's manufacturing facility adheres to the same GMPs (good manufacturing practice) that pharmaceutical companies do.  You see, the problem in the US is that the FDA does not require confections like these to be efficacious (meaning that they must work) nor that they contain the ingredients listed, like it sanctions with prescription medications and pharmaceutical agents.  The FDA only mandates that they be safe; not so with USANA.  This company ensures that you are getting exactly what you are paying for, AND the components are backed by science.  Additionally, USANA has a special section on its website where you can "Ask the Scientist"
anything on which you need clarity or direction.

Let's talk about a major subject that has imploded America.  Can someone please explain to me what all this hype about "colon cleansing" or "doing an occasional cleanse" is, and how it originated?  Bang bang, hero, kill that ballyhoo, please!!  According to USANA, detoxifying is a continuous process, and I agree!  Doing one of these "occasional cleanses" is like eating a horrible diet, baking in the sun, smoking cigarettes, and then going to the gym for one hour a week, thinking that you can reverse all that damage you've done in the past week!  Health is about your habits, not what you do "occasionally!"  One thing that impresses me about USANA's products, is that they encourage our organs to function better by protecting them from oxidative stress, and stimulating these organs to perform better, in general.  What exactly does this mean?  In layman's terms, it means that these products galvanize our own systems' ability to detoxify invaders and repair the resulting potential damage.  For example, our liver is one of the major organs in our bodies that filters toxins.  One of USANA's inventions, Hepasil DTX, contains substances that stimulate our own liver enzymes to do their jobs, and once again, "run our engines clean."  Hepasil DTX supports the liver by creating enough reserve in the organ to filter out harmful and excess substances that may lead to many cancers.    

Probiotics......medical doctors are advocating and praising the wondrous benefits of probiotics!  Probiotics are strains of microorganisms (live bacteria) that support the growth of healthy gut flora,  prevent yeast infections, promote digestion, and assist in providing relief for other disorders, such as irritable bowel syndrome.  Antibiotics, although beneficial short term, have the ability to kill off that essential healthy gut bacteria that we dearly need.  What makes USANA's probiotics exceptional?  First, they are live and active, yet USANA's formulation does not require refrigeration.  Since it is dairy-free and sugar-free, it will be stable at room temperature for over a year.  Also, it's suitable for vegans and of course, those that are lactose-intolerant.  The breed and number of strains contained in the formulation are proven to survive the harsh acidic environment of the stomach, therefore making it safely to the gut to function properly.  Other companies cannot attest to this the way that USANA can, again, since USANA has proven this in its documented experiments.   

Michaela introduced USANA to me, and thankfully, she was convincing enough for me to give the nutrionals and optimizers a chance.  Being the self-proclaimed scientist that I am, I decided to conduct my own little experiment.  If the results were less than surprising, however, I assure you, you would not be reading this article.  I'm here now, to share with you, the products that I took and my findings.  For one month, I took the Essentials, Proflavanol C, BiOmega, and Hepasil DTX.  On about the 3rd day or so, and every day thereafter, upon waking, I did not need to hit the snooze button......at all!!  Also, since I work overnight (11-12 hours per shift and 7 nights in a row, not the typical 8 hours like normal people), I usually experience my "mid- afternoon slump" around 3 or 4 am..........that didn't happen, either.  I was able to make it to the gym after work without the daily, sobering pep-talk, and additionally, to make it 6 days instead of the normal 4, without an effort.  As a sufferer of mild acne, I apply a nightly dose of topical benzoyl peroxide to affected areas.  Although I noticed no change in the oil production in my skin, my face cleared up by about the 10th day, and the blemishes were totally gone......GONE, did you read me????  I also noticed a little more fullness in my skin, with a somewhat healthy "glow."  My coworkers commented that I looked "refreshed,"  and wanted to know if I changed my makeup or skincare regimen.  Guess what I did next!  I decided to take a small hiatus from the products, just to make sure they were in fact, making a difference, and it wasn't my imagination. After 5 days of stopping USANA, I had trouble getting up for work as usual, my "mid-afternoon slump" returned, and I certainly noticed a decline in my energy level, making it once again a struggle for me to get to the gym after work.  As expected, a pimple surfaced, I swore a lot, and deduced that it was not my imagination.  Since I resumed taking USANA, the vibrancy in the color of my eyes is remarkable, and the whites are about as white can be...........I'm happy.

What else can I say?  There's my testimonial.  Please allow me to conclude with one last comment.  Although USANA has something for everyone, USANA believes in treating the body, specifically the immune system, as a whole.  When our organs are functioning like they should, the body's systems collectively act healthy, and therefore, immunity becomes a side effect to general health.  We all know that a chain is only as strong as its weakest link.  The products are designed to improve and support the functionality of what nature has already provided to us.  Whether combating a vitamin deficiency (vitamin D deficiency is rampant these days even in the young), or just giving our organs that little boost to improve our energy, USANA has it all.  Lastly, I could not leave you without proudly bragging that USANA is born and bred in our great USA; what could be better than that!!  Aren't you happy that I saved the best for last?  

Michaela Foulkes is available to answer any specific questions you may have, and she can be reached at:  michaela@usana.com.  You may also place orders with USANA at:  http://www.michaela.usana.com/  On behalf of Youth Arsenal, thank you so much, Michaela for introducing these products to us all.  We look forward to a lifetime of "thriving."

As always, any and all nutritonals, optimizers, supplements, and the like are no replacement for diagnosis, treatment, and medication prescribed by your doctor.  Before trying anything, please first consult with your physician for his/her approval.

Yours in health and fashion,
~Youth Arsenal~!

*Please note that the author did not receive any payment for this article.  Each person experiences varying results with different products.  These are only the findings of the author's experience after taking the nutritionals/optimizers, and said findings are not intended to predict any factual outcomes for others. 

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