Wednesday, October 9, 2013

The New Look for Fall and Winter 2013: SEXY REBEL!

With a cocktail mix of studded glam and a twist of feminine motorcycle momma, you have this season's seductive, sizzling new style:  Sexy Rebel!!  Cache started this trend with her new feminine installation to the biker look, and now other lines have infused their own flavor to spice up this manner of about hot!!

Here's why this look is so word:  VERSATILE!  This new strain is for everyone from the girly girl gone bad on the weekend type, to the preppy learning how to work the twerk on the dance scene for the first time!

  How do we get to sexy rebel status?  It will surprise you to see how easy this one is........think Harley Davidson meets Scarlett Johansson.  We take a hard core edge and soften it with bling.  This is called studded glamour.  Complete the look with a fitted, quilted motorcycle-type jacket, pair of pants, or sweater and watch the thunder roar with immediate transformation!  Step out like this and men will be thinking just like INXS, "there's something about you girl, that makes me sweat!"  Let's take a peek at this trend in action:
Notice the feminine touch with the heels

See how easy?  We can hang safely with black and just bling it out:

Now let's switch gears into FIERCE mode by adding color:

Grey and Aubergine:

Now, really glam it up with blingy accessories:  
New York Style

Let's see what colors you can come up with to rock your Sexy Rebel!!

Happy Fashion fixing,
~La Puma~!